公式ホームページ Official Homepage * LAGUNA MURANO GLASS s.r.l ラグーナムラノグラス Vetreria Artistica 品質保証認証印 VR マーク 刻印 & ステッカー Quality Assurance Certification VR Mark Engraved & Sticker ![]() ![]() ![]() |
●御購入後の商品に関するご案内とお問い合わせ Guidance and inquiry of the glasswares after the purchase ●注意事項 ◆掲載内容の全文及び一部と写真の転載・複製・引用・転送・配信をすると商標権侵害/著作権侵害でイタリアの法律にて処罰の対象となります ◆リンク/アプリ等で当社HP写真等の配信/転載等は商標権侵害 / 著作権侵害で法律にて処罰手続きを致します |
この度はラグーナムラノグラス にて商品ご購入頂き
Thank you very much for purchasing the product from Laguna MuranoGlass .
Unlike other glass materials,Venetian glass is very difficult to process.
We have inheritedthe tradition of glass making. All products are completely
hand-madeand 24-karat gold is used for decoration.Even with the same design,
each glass has a slightly different weight, height, width, and
thickness. Proof of genuine hand-made Venetian glass Please use
the hand-made Venetian glass, which is a traditional high-class
product with the unique taste of hand-made glass, for a long time.
Attention of the handling of the Venetian glass
Please look after the following attention to have you use a glassware safely
beautifully for a long time
Neglecting the above precautions may cause glass damage, painting, or peeling
of the gold leaf.all of this is customer responsibility.after purchase,
Opening, after use, damage, scratches, cracks, peeling of gold foil, repair,
exchange, return, refunds are not accepted by our rules
直接購入のみで 一品、一品手造り商品のため お客様ご自身が商品を直接に
◆Important Notice
◆We do not sell catalogs or mail orders sale.directly sold only at local Venice stores
All are handmade items so after confirming the product before purchase
and after being satisfaction.please purchase
Please note that there are no stores japan and abroad directly managed
stores, repair departments or consignment stores..
Please note that we are not responsible for our used products purchased
through mail order or online shops, and It's all your responsibility
◆Apologize for any inconvenience, we do not create catalogs and price lists because each item is handmade.
◆Customers can only purchase directly at the Venice Store. We do not sell
on consignment to overseas companies.
◆Please note that our security company will contact the Cybercrime Division of the Metropolitan Police Department
and the Countermeasures Division of the International Criminal Police Organization for inappropriate and illegal junk mail
● お客様情報とご購入後のお問い合わせ ←クリック/click
Customer information and inquiry form after purchase
(Except for inquiries after purchase at the Venice head office, it will
be automatically deleted by the security company)
◆Important notes
◆Please note that our security company will contact the Cybercrime Division of the Metropolitan Police Department
And the Countermeasures Division of the International Criminal Police Organization for inappropriate and illegal junk mail
(Attention when sending the following input)
Please note that we will not be able to reply to your inquiry if you do not fill in all of the following items in your customer information
●Please note that we can not answer in the case of incomplete customer information
Please fill in all items that cannot be answered because contacting only by Name and email address
Will be quarantined by anti-spam measures.
Please fill in the following customer information (all items are required), copy it and send it at the same time as your inquiry.
全項目記入必須 (Please write in all the items)
※お名前 (漢字でフルネーム) ※ローマ字 (Full Name) ※自宅電話 (Home Tel) ※ 携帯電話 (Mobile Phone)
※メールアドレス (E-mail) ※郵便番号 (Post code) ※現住所 (Home Address)日本語/ローマ字(Japanese / Romaji)
※購入店名(Purchase shop name) ※参加された旅行会社名(Tour company)※ご来店日 (Date of Shopping)
※ お問い合わせ内容(Enquiry)
(It may take 1 to 3 days to respond depending on the content of your inquiry)
◆Important notes
◆Please note that our security company will contact the Cybercrime Division of the Metropolitan Police Department
And the Countermeasures Division of the International Criminal Police Organization
for inappropriate and illegal junk mail
* グラス / 領収書等写真添付
Attached photos of glass and receipts
● 商品の正面全体像 / 不具合箇所の拡大像 / 領収書等の各写真(必須)を送信メールに添付にてJPGで御願い致します
Attached to the photograph sending mail such as the whole of the glass (product) / enlargement of the defect / receipt etc.
Since it may not be able to be transmitted when large capacity or number of sheets are large,
please send the photos separately one by one.
●We apologize for the inconvenience our customers. Thank you kindly look forward for your understanding
If you do not receive the answer mail, please check it as it may be in the spam folder.
● ホームページ( Top of the home page)に戻るにはこちらをクリック click
Alert from Cyber
Crime Countermeasures Division, National Police Agency
●フィッシング110番 https://www.npa.go.jp/cyber/policy/phishing/phishing110.htm
●Phishing dials 110 National Police Agency https://www.npa.go.jp/english/index.html
※不審なメールには絶対に返信しない ※表示されているリンクを絶対にクリックしない ※メールに記載されているURLをクリックしない
※解除手続きのリンクもクリックしてはいけません ※添付ファイルも開いてはいけません ※不当な請求には取り合わず無視すること
● 当社はお客様へのお返事、回答メールには日本語にて担当部所等を明記しご案内致しております
◆Alert from Cyber Crime Countermeasures Division, National Police Agency◆
● Please be careful about suspicious junk mail (spoofing mail, fraudulent mail) disguised as the sender●
(We ignore the email, and let's deal calmly.)
For these emails, a third party uses a junk e-mail sending program to set fake header information in the email and
It was actually sent from another email address, but pretending to be our email address
This is the so-called "spoofing email" that impersonates us.
※Never reply to suspicious emails
※ Please do not click the displayed link
※ Please do not click the URL in the email
※Please do not click the cancellation procedure link
※ Please do not open the attached file
※Do not deal with unjustified claims
※As a precaution, change your email password (use a complex password) *Do
not reuse passwords
※Use security software, check that it is not infected, and always keep it
up to date.
※Always cover the camera that comes with your computer when not in use.
● We will inform you of the department in charge in Japanese by replying to the customer and replying email
(Please note that you will not receive the e-mail if our e-mail address is set to "Rejection")
● ホームページ( Top of the home page)に戻るにはこちらをクリック click
opyright(C)2023. LAGUNA MURANO GLASS srl. All Rights Reserved.Website creation right holder is VSJ Co.,Ltd
Reproduction, citation, assignment, or distribution of all or part of the content and photographs
is trademark infringement / copyright infringement and is punishable by Italy and Japan law
We apologize for the inconvenience/The inquiry page ends here.
Ci scusiamo per il disagio. / Fine della pagina di richiesta.